Friday, August 6, 2010

What do you want to say to the Cyber World?

Hi and welcome.  Do jump in and leave a note about life or business.  What would YOU like to have on here?  Since this my first effort at Blogging I ask that people keep the language appropriate, use proper English and stay on topic for whatever you have to say.  I guess I am asking folks to be sensible.

With that said what's happening in your "life" or "business?"

For me it is simple.  I can hardly keep up with life! Know what I mean?  

The pace of life seems to have kicked into high and just will not slow down.  

What's important to you?  

Is the fact that the Palin family is always in the news or that Michael Vick is returning to football and is being a "good" guy?  How about the latest movie, etc. star in Rehab or jail?

Maybe it is the economy?  The auto bailout and whether GM or Chrysler would be here if the Administration did not do the bail-out? Maybe it is some Local or National race for a political seat, or maybe you are just fed up with politics? 

What about the third woman on the Supreme Court - of interest?

How about the Super Bowl?  Does any of this matter as the gulf coast suffers. Do you care? What's up with Tiger Woods?  Does it matter that he and his family are out of the news for the moment?  

Does any of it really matter?  Especially if you are out of a job, hate the increased work load of your current job, etc.

Take a whack at whatever bothers you or whatever is on your mind and I will do my best to come back with a witty answer.

All my best, David

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